Research shows when homes are certified as energy efficient, they sell faster and at a higher price than non-certified properties. A listing with verified energy information—or energy information collected by a third-party organization with clear definitions associated with the verification—is worth promoting.
Verified energy information isn’t just one particular program. It is a blanket term for green certifications, energy labels, and verified energy improvements. Programs that assess and grant these certifications and labels set standards properties must meet in terms of construction and performance.
Before you start promoting any energy-efficient features, ensure you understand exactly what the home offers. While your seller may have all energy-efficient appliances, that doesn’t necessarily mean his entire home is certified energy efficient. Typically, verified energy information comes with documentation your seller should have readily available to share.
Once you’ve got a clear understanding of the home’s verified energy information, put it in the MLS. You can describe the property’s features in the remarks section and make use of any green fields your MLS may offer.
If you want to dig deeper into energy efficiency, check out NAR’s Green designation at Obtaining this designation will help you better market properties’ green features and understand sustainable building and business practices.