Texas REALTORS® is supporting five of the 14 proposed constitutional amendments on the Nov 7 statewide ballot. (Early voting starts Oct 23 and runs through Nov 3.). Texas REALTORS® encourages you to vote for:
- Proposition 1 – Protect the Right to Farm
- Proposition 4 – Provide Property Tax Relief
- Proposition 6 – Establish the Texas Water Fund
- Proposition 7 – Establish the Texas Energy Fund
- Proposition 8 – Establish the Broadband Infrastructure Fund
Proposition 4 would deliver the biggest property tax relief package in Texas history by raising the homestead tax exemption to $100,000 (up from $40,000) and authorizing the state to send more money to local school districts (also referred to as “compression”). These changes will help reduce property taxes for both homeowners and non-homestead properties. Proposition 1 would enshrine in the Texas Constitution certain rights related to agricultural activities on private property. Propositions 6, 7, and 8 establish funds to make investments in the state’s water, electricity, and broadband infrastructure.
Political advertising by Texas REALTORS®
How can there not be support for Proposition 9 to give a COLA to retired teachers??? Their retirement pay doesn’t come closer to covering basic needs..and we wonder why their is a teacher shortage…
Exactly! There is money allocated in the state budget for these retirees to receive the cost of living adjustment. The legislature has to bring it to the voters for approval. There’s no additional cost to taxpayer! How can TXR not be “for” this?
This Proposition has bipartisan support. The only thing I can think of is that just because there is no endorsement from TREC doesn’t mean they are against it. I think TREC chooses only to support propositions with a direct impact to real estate.
Lower property taxes and lower infrastructure maintenance.
According to other sources, Proposition 1 is not something we should support. It appears APPEARS to affirm the rights of individuals but it actually affirms the right of bureaucracy to establish laws and regulations that may abridge our rights of ownership and use. Re-think your support of this one. It is a Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.
I just attended a very good meeting of Texas Farm Bureau Insurance who brought in an expert from Austin and was enlightened on the importance of Prop. 1. It is basically like everything else, if farmers are not given this right, then the government will start telling them exactly what they can produce and when. I think you should study the Prop 1 more to understand why a YES is needed. It sort of falls into the same thing as government telling us what kind of appliances we can put in our homes (no-gas, etc.) and what kind of car… Read more »
As a general rule for me. Anything that lowers our taxes, I’m for! Anything that raises our taxes I’m against. Govt doesnt have a taxing problem. Govt. have a spending problem .
Prop. 4 ( to adjust the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes imposed on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect increases in certain exemption amounts; )
The Sept./Oct. issue of the Texas Realtor states, “Elderly and disabled Texans enjoy frozen school district taxes. To get the benefit of this legislation, the taxes have to be unfrozen so they can be frozen again with the higher exemption. Does that mean the elderly and disabled exemption will be increased and taxed at the current rate or at the rate they were originally frozen?